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No matter what you might be looking for in a church home, at Ashland First United Methodist Church we’ve created a number of touch points throughout the week for you to engage.
We gather Sunday mornings at 9:30am for worship. You can expect a selection of songs of various styles, scripture reading, liturgical prayers, and an engaging sermon. After services we offer an Adult Sunday school class that runs from 10:45-11:45.
For families with children, we provide nursery services for kids 0-5 years for those who would like it For children over 5 we have kids bulletins available. Children are always a welcomed part of all of our worship services!
Monday Evening
On Monday Evening at 4pm we meet in the library here at the Church for Bible Study, this is open to everyone!
tuesday Mornings
On Tuesday mornings at 7:30am we meet for Prayer and Eucharist, then 10am we meet at Downtown Perk for coffee, fellowship, and Bible study. Our topics and teachers change on a regular basis. Like everything at AFUM this is open to everyone!
More Regular Events
On the last Sunday of every month, we hold Feast Night, which is a free dinner open to the community, specifically for those in need of a hot meal.
Our Veterans Ministry holds events throughout the calendar year designed to celebrate and support those who’ve committed their lives in service to the nation’s freedom.
Wednesday nights at 6:30pm we are holding an 8 week seminar called Beyond The Box, it is on the Christian political imagination. It begins September 4h and runs through October.
Contact Information
Office Hours
1pm - 4pm