Start Here

No matter what you might be looking for in a church home, at Ashland First United Methodist Church we’ve created a number of touch points throughout the week for you to engage.


We gather Sunday mornings at 9:30am for worship. You can expect a selection of songs of various styles, scripture reading, liturgical prayers, and an engaging sermon. After services we offer an Adult Sunday school class that runs from 10:45-11:45.

For families with children, we provide Sunday School for pre-school and elementary age children during the worship service. Children are always a welcomed part of all of our worship services!    

Monday Evening

On Monday Evening at 4pm we meet in the library here at the Church for Bible Study. This is open to everyone! 

tuesday Mornings

On Tuesday mornings at 7:30am we meet for Prayer and Eucharist.

Check Out our Newsletter

Our newsletter goes out every 8 weeks with updates, events and general information!

Contact Information


Office Hours

Monday & Thursday 8-12:30
Wednesday 8-5