
We believe that we’ve been called as a church to serve both the church and the community through the following ministries. To contact us or learn about getting involved, click here.

Small groups & classes

We believe that community is central to the Christian life. Because of this we practice both gathering for corporate worship on Sunday mornings and during the week via small groups and seasonal classes. Check out our groups page for more info. 

Women's Ministry

Women Serving Christ (WSC) is very active in service to our church and community. They meet each month for fellowship and work on various projects that benefit others in creative and unique ways. Check out the calendar for the date and time and join us for the next meeting.

Veterans Ministry

We value those who have fought for our country, and see it as both a responsibility and a joy to serve and support those who’ve put their lives on the line for our country’s freedom. Check the calendar to find our next Veteran’s Ministry event.

Feast Night

On the last Sunday of each month, we provide a meal for those in our community who need it. This event is open to the public. To learn about how to get involved with this ministry, contact us here.


9:30 am Worship in the Sanctuary offers a variety of music styles from week to week– traditional to folk to contemporary music– with a message centered on the Bible.

Contact Information


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday : 8am - 12pm,
1pm - 4pm

About Ashland First United Methodist

Almost two centuries ago, First United Methodist Church was established to minister to the local community here in Ashland, Ohio.

Can We Pray for you?

At First United Methodist Church, we believe that prayer is a vital part of life.

If you have a specific prayer concern, please fill out the form and we will pray for you. You can enter your information or leave it anonymous; either way, we will be sure to take it to the Lord in prayer.